Saturday, November 08, 2014

Posted by Ridwan Lawal |
The style of our technology is becoming just as important as its functions. Who says you can't be a fashionable geek. 
Geeks nowadays are in charge of the world economy, take Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for instance. I'm sure you will say that's a cliche example but that does not change the fact that they are computer scientists we aspire to be like. That is not what this article is about though, we are going to check out cool fashion accessories that could make you a cool sought after geek. 
 Here are some of the newest fashionable gadgets and accessories that are sure to make your jaw drop.

Phone Cases

Stylish phone cases have increased in popularity over the last few years. Since we always have our phone in hand it only makes sense to accessorize it! In addition, when celebs take selfies in the mirror and post them on social media, we can see what phone cases they have to envy. People like Lindsay Lohan, Sofia Vergara, and Rihanna are great examples.
If you're not into super trendy cases, fear not! Not only can phone cases be fashionable, but they can also be functional. Note that this is perfect for women especially bedazzled cases. It would look out of place is a guy is seen taking a mirror selfie with a shiny or glittery accessory.
 There's a wide variety of cases out there that double as wallets and clutches.
Featured Cases: Alice & Olivia; Jagger Edge; DimePiece; Otter Box.


Most of us listen to music throughout the day whether it's at the gym, on transit, or while running errands. The good news is now you can do it in style! Because headphones and ear buds hang around your neck or sit on your head, they may as well be fashionable. Thankfully there are some amazing audio products out there that can enhance any outfit. There are also some stylish speaker alternatives hitting the market. There's nothing worse than arriving at a party that has no sound system. Thanks to the Stellé Audio clutch purse you can bring the sound system with you disguised as fashionable accessory.
The Beat by Dre headphones have also become fashion statements. If you want to turn up your 'Swag' you can get different colors to match your outfits.
Other cool Audio accessories are: Monster headphones for Lumia, Monster Beat pills by Dre.
Featured Audio Products: Ladybuds; Marshall Headphones; Stellé Audio Clutch.

Technology Arm Candy

Not only is technology often found in our hands, it's now making its way onto our wrists! Gone are the days of carrying around a USB key for file sharing. Now you can wear your USB key in style with a sparkly USB key bracelet from Brando Workshop.
Tech arm candy is also exploding in the fitness world. The Nike Fuel Band lets you set a motion goal for the day and tracks how much you move. If you've ever wanted motivation to be more active, the fuel band will get you there while keeping you looking stylish.
Featured Arm Candy: USB bracelets; Nike Fuel Band

Tablet Cases

Technology has made its mark in the fashion world. During this year's major fashion weeks, technology was seen everywhere! Photographed in street style, in the fashion show audiences and even on the runway. With worldwide fashion weeks setting the trends for upcoming seasons it's clear that tech fashion is definitely going to be around for a while, so get on board!
Featured Tablet Cases: Alice & Olivia; Gelaskin, custom made skins ; Marc Jacobs; Michael Kors

Google Glass

Google glass used to be freakishly nerdy just a while ago. People used to be perturbed talking with someone with a bulging camera staring right at them. In response to this complaint Google started a partnership with popular American designer Diane Von Fustenberg to make fashionable frames for its headset technology. 
The new outcome is astonishing though mostly adapted for females but the men are not left. Check out a glimpse into the future through the lens of this device 

Do you think Google's attempt to look stylish worked?

There are a lot of cool fashion accessories available in the market and upcoming.
 Will.I.Am the American musician  is set to release what he calls a cuff. It is rumored to have a sim slot and according to him can replace a smartphone.
There is also smart-watches like the  Samsung Gear and Apple iwatch that have revolutionized the functions of what just used to be a fashion statement. and Zaha Hadid Puls Smartwatch
The Puls by Will.I.Am

i'm Watch by i'm

Apple iWatch
Prototype of the apple iwatch

I hope to get feedback from you guys. tell me how this article helped you. I hope you are well informed now. 
Stay tech savvy and still stylish. Who said nerds have to be boring.